But I must say this summer has been a good one. I wasnt so sure as it started out but it turned out pretty good.
I learned to kayak and the other night mom and I went out on Atsion lake, it was fun.
We were able to go to the Outer Banks for a week. That proved much more fun then I anticipated and I got the darkest tan I have ever gotten in my life!
My goats did well in the shows - With my "home grown doe" End of the Line Charming Ziva taking Grand Champion Junior doe at the Harmony show.
Mid summer Dad, Mom, Scott and I went to Wildwood and saw fireworks - I LOVE fireworks
And this summer I turned 25 - YIKES!
We had our share of sadness too. My "uncle" Paul Skeens went to Heaven on July 4th
He is greatly missed by his wife and kids.
I lost a goat which I had purchased. I was so excited about her but it just wasnt meant to be.
Love you Secret RIP
Kash my horse decided to be stupid and spooked and injured himself -- wont bore you with pictures again. But I am happy to report that he is doing 100% better and all the skin has grown back. Now just waiting for hair to grow in and you wouldnt even know what he did!
All in all God is good, I will praise Him even in the storms.
What a nice post -- you are blessed!
Great post
thanks - yes I am very blessed beyond words.
Congrats on the junior Doe winning Grand Champion.
The goat that passed was very beautiful, I am so sorry for your loss.
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