God displayed in His mighty creation

God displayed in His mighty creation
double rainbow at my house spring 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Off with a bang

So summer is just about over.  At work everyone is talking as if it IS over.  But thats only because they have kids in school and well I don't so to me as long as its warm and the calendar still says its summer it shall be summer in my mind!

But I must say this summer has been a good one. I wasnt so sure as it started out but it turned out pretty good.

I learned to kayak and the other night mom and I went out on Atsion lake, it was fun.

We were able to go to the Outer Banks for a week.  That proved much more fun then I anticipated and I got the darkest tan I have ever gotten in my life!

My goats did well in the shows - With my "home grown doe" End of the Line Charming Ziva taking Grand Champion Junior doe at the Harmony show. 

 Shown here with her best of breed ribbon at the Summer Heat show.

Mid summer Dad, Mom, Scott and I went to Wildwood and saw fireworks - I LOVE fireworks

And this summer I turned 25 - YIKES!  

We had our share of sadness too.  My "uncle" Paul Skeens went to Heaven on July 4th 
He is greatly missed by his wife and kids. 

I lost a goat which I had purchased.  I was so excited about her but it just wasnt meant to be.  

Love you Secret RIP

Kash my horse decided to be stupid and spooked and injured himself -- wont bore you with pictures again.  But I am happy to report that he is doing 100% better and all the skin has grown back.  Now just waiting for hair to grow in and you wouldnt even know what he did!

All in all God is good, I will praise Him even in the storms.  


denise f said...

What a nice post -- you are blessed!

Melanie said...

Great post

Country at Heart said...

thanks - yes I am very blessed beyond words.

Chai Chai said...

Congrats on the junior Doe winning Grand Champion.

The goat that passed was very beautiful, I am so sorry for your loss.