God displayed in His mighty creation

God displayed in His mighty creation
double rainbow at my house spring 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Creating new Habits?

Well so I kind of made it happen this morning :)

I did end up feeding horses, goats & cat and cleaned the goat pen first too. Then I heated up my cinnamon bun (yum) and headed out on the deck.

I dont need to go anywhere for vacation when I take the time to actually relax at home!  look at this view

My mom is passionate about landscaping.  Its more then a hobby to her.  Its like her second love (first being my dad of course :) )

So lets see if I can repeat tomorrow :D


Verde Farm said...

So true. I spend so much time working at our place and not enough taking in the beauty and peace of it all. Thanks for the reminder! Great view :)
Amy at Verde Farm

Melanie said...

Very peaceful :)