God displayed in His mighty creation

God displayed in His mighty creation
double rainbow at my house spring 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010


Arrived in MA for a mini vacation at a friends house.

We have a full schedule ahead mostly involving goats :D  which of course makes me very happy.

Will try to keep this updated of our daily exploits.  :)  And of course pictures hehe ;)

The drive up here was uneventful.  I made up in like 4 hours and 15 min :P  Hardly any traffic in NYC which was amazing, but thats because it was a Sunday night I am sure.

Here's to good times, rest and relaxation in the days ahead.  Good night

1 comment:

denise f said...

How fun! Are you visiting Runaround? I'm jealous; I love a goatie weekend!