God displayed in His mighty creation

God displayed in His mighty creation
double rainbow at my house spring 2010

Thursday, July 31, 2008

what would life be without goats

Miss Mia is getting so much better on the milking stand. She stands so nicely and even will reach her head back as far as she can (which is nothing lol) to sniff me, this is something they do to their kids and is a sign of affection. :D

She also learned where the treats are and will not go back into her pen without one! I am running dangerously low on treats :-o and she is not going to be happy once I run out.

Poor Angie still gets beat up, I keep reminding myself that Mia when through the same thing and she servived. But Gigi's pitiful little "maa" makes me so sad. It is almost like "mom how can you leave me in here" but then again she is a drama queen and knows I will give her extra special attention --- watch out Diva Mia you have competition!

I am working on drying Aspen off, she was my highest producer and isnt drying off easily. But I really dont mind and the cats and dogs are thrilled with the special treat of her milk. The cats are becoming so use to it that they now expect it.